Upcoming Event

Daniel Kammen “Energizing the Low-Carbon Future”
Sunday October 7, 2012 2:00 pm Orcas Center

Dr. Kammen will explore innovations in and barriers to building renewable energy systems worldwide, from villages to large regional economies, focusing on tools already available and others needed to battle for a sustainable planet. Dr. Kammen is Professor in the Energy and Resources Group and in the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley, where he founded and directs the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory.

Lopez Sustainability Collaborative Potluck/Pizza Fest
Thursday March 22, 2012, 5.30pm Lopez Center for Community and the Arts
Lopez community members are invited to join a potluck dinner and meet energetic graduate students from Monterrey Institute of International Studies who are doing a course on energy sustainability using Lopez Island as a case study. It is a great opportunity for sharing food and sharing ideas on the island sustainability future, covering energy, transportation, food, materials and waste. Please bring a dish to share and your own table setting.

Climate Change: Local and Global Perspectives Lecture Series:

is an informal lecture series on the challenges and possibilities facing our world and community in this time of unprecedented change. There are many people on Lopez and other San Juan islands engaged in these issues and we will draw upon local knowledge to provide dynamic presentations and stimulate discussion.

Wednesday, June 1st at 7:30pm, Lopez Island

CHRIS AND CHOM GREACEN: From remote villages to government boardrooms: some notes on efforts to leverage change towards clean energy
Chris and Chom share stories about working inside and outside ‘the system’ to effect change involving energy in SE Asia and Africa. Sometimes it's change in rules and regulations to allow renewable energy to compete on a fair playing field with conventional sources. Sometimes it’s human rights change – and using renewable energy as a tool in meeting basic needs. Sometimes it's change in the politics of large scale energy planning, invoking the key questions, "who benefits? who suffers? who decides?"

Friday July 8th, 2011, 7.30PM, Lopez Library

Vincent Dauciunas, the newly elected OPALCO Board member, will present: Climate change and its implications for actions in San Juan County
“Global Climate change is now anticipated to bring significant changes to Washington State’s environmental, energy, and economic spheres. But what exactly are these changes? When will they occur, what form will they take? Many public and private agencies have been tasked with developing adaptation plans for an uncertain future. Vincent will summarize recent thinking about this critical issue based on publicly available documents from such sources as the Bonneville Power Administration, The University of Washington Climate Impacts Group and several Puget Sound Governmental Agencies. He will present a best guess at what we might expect to see locally, how it might impact our life in the Islands, and present some ideas for actions that we as a community can take, in the form of a dialogue with the audience." 

Home Performance: A good first step in energy saving and reducing your carbon footprint
Thursday September 1, 2011, 7pm, Lopez Library

DOUG POOLE of Sage Building Solutions will describe what Home Performance is and how it is a critical step in reducing the impact of buildings on our limited energy resources. We will then dig into the fundamentals of building science and its power to create healthy, money saving and comfortable homes. Both energy remodels (retrofit) and new construction will be covered. The session promises to be lively and interactive with many gadgets and demonstrations including a live Blower Door test!

Friday October 28, 2011
Talk by Evelyn Adams of Transition Fidalgo & Friends. How did our neighbors across the water on Fidalgo Island organize to grow their community's resilience by inspiring, informing and empowering life beyond fossil fuels? An all-volunteer non-profit, Transition Fidalgo & Friends will come to Lopez to share their experience in developing positive, everyday solutions to the challenges of climate change, energy uncertainty, and economic instability. Friday Oct 28, 2011, 6.30pm. Lopez Library.